An autumnal palette

The sun is beginning to track lower in the sky as we now head towards the winter solstice. It's light on a day like this now shines through the sycamore tree at the rear of the garden, whose leaves will begin to fall soon, revealing to us the landscape that is hidden in summer.

The wind was gusty and clouds rolled across the sky then disappeared leaving wide expanses of blue, before the next clouds blew in from the west. I saw scraps of the sun's rays reaching to the turning leaves of Helena's Judas tree we planted out a couple of years ago.

I decided to experiment with taking pictures as a form of practice for the coming season of autumnal landscape shots, as I will be going to the famed Westonbirt Arboretum soon. All these leaves are from one branch of the small Judas tree, set against the backdrop of the sycamore and the distant hillside behind the house. The original colour of the leaves is deep purple.

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