
By Mindseye


It wasnt supposed to be wet today......started raining around 10.30, just as we went out, in the car, fortunately! Last trip to Lidl for store cupboard "stuff" and a smallish turkey crown, even though we are eating out on Christmas Day this year, a first for us!!

The rain has not left up all day, its that fine rain that wets you through ;-) We had lovely brown rolls with roast pork and apple sauce for lunch. Then it was a few indoor tasks, last couple of presents wrapped, backing up my photos, trying to set up a copyright preset in Lightroom, only to realise that I havent yet used Ms Office on my new laptop since it was installed in store.....and now it wants the keycode, before it will allow me to use it!!!??
An email to Currys......bet they cant help!!

I decided to make chicken, bacon, fresh pineapple and red onion skewers for dinner this evening, so prepared those. Hubs cleaned the shower cubicle and watched another Game of Thrones, almost caught up now!

The Rotary Club have just knocked on the door, collecting, with their Christmas Santas Sled all lit up.....got my camera all ready, and it didnt come up our cul de sac :-(

So instead you have our dinner sizzling on the griddle plate!!! We had them with a salad and coleslaw....really tasty :-). Makes a mess of the hob though, a job for tomorrow, as its supposed to be wet, yet again :-/

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