Lali's World

By Lali

Anster harbour at dusk

Wednesday. My last day off in a row.

I think it was around half past five when I took this photo. 

I managed a long lie in this time, catching up with stuff before lunch and then going to Cupar with Scott, as he was taking a guitar for repair at Steve Agnew's shop. I've always been amazed at the passion Steve has for his work. He makes the most beautiful hand crafted guitars.

We did a bit of shopping in Cupar after that and then we went back home. I had a quiet evening processing my photos and practising the guitar a little bit. I don't feel I'm getting any better...

Catalan elections tomorrow, 21st. Feeling gutted as I never received the documents to vote. Who can I blame? Myself, the postal service, the Spanish government? Who knows? As far as I'm aware I filled in the registration form correctly and I sent it on time.... never mind.

Back to work tomorrow (Thursday).

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts. I hope you all had a good Wednesday! :)

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