Moustache envy

The ever curling moustache I'd been cultivating for the past year recently got too high maintenance and got chopped. I'm happy I had a go at the ageing hipster motif, but really I'm happier with the smaller face fungus. These fellows did however give me a certain level of moustache envy. 

They're Inca Terns living at Bristol Zoo. There's a far too knowledgable Tamarind Monkey in the extra too. I'm slightly disappointed that I still have eight extras remaining - like I haven't tried, somehow.

A smashing day wandering the zoo with Charlie and Rory, then back to telly-less home. John Lewis remain ever so apologetic but still have no news on the next-day-delivery television we ordered - and paid for - last week. 

The Queen will send her message into the ether, but we won't hear it. And thus is the Empire finally crumbled. If Brexit didn't flag the end of the great in Great Britain then surely no telly at incredibish's has. Meh. ;-)

However your personal perception of the 'verse causes you to celebrate tomorrow, may you have fun, feasting and family surrounding you. Summer is Coming, and we will survive the dark days. Hail, the Sun returneth!

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