Family Dog

By Family_Dog

the hunt is on...

Today is my 1 year Blip Birthday. I can't believe it! I have been trying to think back to sitting down at this very computer, choosing my photo carefully and then clicketty clacking away, but I can't really remember it. I do remember thinking I wouldn't keep it up, though. Hah. Proved myself wrong!

Today's photo is exactly the scene in our house RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE. This is the scene of 2 people looking for a job at the same time whilst looking after a baby.

It is bloody impossible. By the time Arlo goes to bed we are so exhausted that sitting doing more job hunting is a horrible idea. What can we do?

I've always thought looking for a job is a full time job. Now there's 2 of us, one laptop, 1 baby (on the move, loving our dangling down cables) and a million cables. It's doing my head in. We're trying not to get too bothered by it, but it's stressful. I just want to get it sorted so we can move on from this bubble we're in. I've HAD ENOUGH OF THE BUBBLE!!!! Well, secretly, I love the bloody bubble and that's what's worrying me. Before your very eyes, me and Bry are turning into the Shameless family. I'm happy being the Shameless family every now and then but I don't want it to actually be our every day state!

I need a job. Repeat after me: Abi needs a job. Someone somewhere has a bloody brilliant job for Abi. Abi deserves a good job. Abi will not get made redundant from this next job. Abi will be promoted and promoted and promoted in the next job. Abi will be queen of the world.

Okay. You can stop chanting now. I'll do my own.

I want a great job. I want a job that makes me happy. I want a job that is not financially insulting. I want a job where I work with lovely people. I want a job where I work on interesting projects. I want a job where I can have a career. I want a job that is challenging. I want a job that makes me buzz from solving a problem. I want a job where I can still wear jeans and trainers. I want a job that is walking or cycling distance from the house. I want a job that makes me think it's worthwhile being away from my lovely son for that time.


So. I'm thinking if I say these things enough, someone somewhere will tap me on the shoulder and say 'actually - we're looking for someone right now'. God it makes me want to weep and wail and gnash my teeth sometimes!

Ocht. And I'm not even drinking. This type of stress deserves oodles and oodles and oodles of boozle. I'm away for a cup of rooibos tea.

Don't laugh.

(p.s have backblipped)

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