Family Film...

...the MonoMonday theme chosen by Si_b. (Thank you Si_b!) 
I love the movie "A Christmas Carol", & think I've seen every version that was ever made,  multiple times--my favorite being the 1951 version with Alistair Sims.
In an effort to use up my extras before the end of the year, I've put a couple pictures of my granddaughter from this morning into them. I'd just gotten home from church, and whenever I come back into the house from outside, she asks to wear my scarf. I don't quite understand her fascination with it, but she keeps it on for quite a long time. I had my camera out & she asked to have her picture taken, which I tried to do, but she got all shy and it took me awhile to get her to open her eyes. I have to admit, the scarf DOES look fetching with her PJ's!!  :)))
(I've turned my comments back on, but it still may take awhile for me to catch up.) 

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