There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera


A gray morning. Spotting a bit of growing light, I stopped to take some pictures. As I stood there, the sun broke through the clouds.

Everything was suddenly illuminated. I was there for the whole show, which lasted just a few minutes. The sky was yellow, pink, then on fire with orange. The pond reflected it all, intensified the colors, made it even better: a mirror to the light, reflecting back the sky.

Then, the clouds closed, the light left, and I drove away. Within minutes it was raining. When I got to work, I told a friend about it. There had been no sun where she was. She sighed in envy: "Nature always puts on a show especially for you!"

This makes two days in a row of pond reflection pics. What can I say? I must be going through a reflective phase. :-)

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