On the second day of Christmas...

My true love gave to me,

Two Mummers Players,

And a fluffy cat sitting by a Christmas tree!

"Mummers' Plays are one of the oldest surviving features of the traditional English Christmas. Mumming in England goes back for over a thousand years. Mumming is best described as early pantomime. The plays are based loosely on the legend of St George and the dragon. The plays are intended to show the struggle between good and evil." http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/xmas/mummers.htm

Popped out for 15 mins fresh air this morning, to watch the Bristol Morrismen putting on their annual Mummers Play. But I didn't stay out long as the weather had turned much colder than yesterday's mild Christmas Day. I've been sneezing, wheezing and coughing my way through Christmas but am now starting to feel a little better, thank you for all your good wishes.

Happy Boxing Day to you all!

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