Boxing Day Dinner

Another fine day, but been cold and wintery showers.  The wind has picked up tonight.

A lazy morning to start the day.  I got out with Sammy after breakfast, and popped along friends for a cuppa.  Nieces Megan, Eve and Elise came over this afternoon with Liam and Andrew.  Then it was time to head north to my sister Julie's.  The roads were bad with snow and ice in areas, but we made it finally.  Dinner, followed by family games, and guests arriving too.

It's always good to pop up to see family in Boxing Day, and it was time to tuck into the leftovers from yesterday.  It was also good not to be cook in charge!  A lovely family meal.  L-R clockwise - Ingram, Anna, Eve, Elise, Lottie, mam, dad and Julie.  Taken at Haroldswick, Unst.  

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