Ready for Christmas Dinner

It's been a lovely calm day, bright and cheery.  There was a glimpse of a white Christmas this evening, but just a hail shower, which is now turned frosty.

Up early and opened the presents.  I've got some lovely gifts, and so did Sammy.  Then it was time to finish off house cleaning, and start preparing dinner.  I did manage a walk with Sammy around Scalloway.  Guests arrived, big Brian and Madeline, and had a splendid time.  After a day of chatting and good fun, it's now feet up for the night, with a glass of Bailey's.

My Christmas dinner photos turned out blurred!  I did manage to get this before.  I was only meant to be making starters and peerie Brian on mains, but helped out for main too.  We had a lovely cut of roast beef, with all the trimmings, and Madeline made a great sherry trifle.  Jeez, I never realised how stressful and exhausting it is.  Well done to all the mam/dad's that do this year in, year out.  Taken at home, Houl Road, Scalloway. 

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