Twas Da Night Afore Christmas

A fine day, calm, sunny and been dry all day.  A slight breeze tonight.

It's been a a fairly lazy Christmas Eve, not my usual last minute panic buying in town!  The morning started with walkies with Sammy, and more again after lunch with friend Julie and her dog.  I'm a bit unsure about Christmas dinner tomorrow, hopefully it will work out.  After the classic Scourge Christmas Carol movie, I headed down to see bro Jonny and family.  A night with friends tonight.

Always great to be down at Jonny's on Christmas Eve.  The bairns were snuggled up watching movies, with the laptop on tracking Santie.  They all headed out with magic reindeer food, and then got to open my gifts, hurray all happy too :)  L-R - Michaela, Lena, Jonny, Isaiah, Alex and Ruth.  Taken at Bigton.  

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