Orange Sweeties


I was very late to bed last night, gone 2am after a couple of drinks too, and slept like a log until 10:20 - the best sleep I've had all week! But I awoke feeling very muzzy headed (not a hangover I hasten to add, lol) and still tired.
So earlier I decided to take a walk to clear my head - I had things I needed to get done this afternoon - and went to the top of the field on the other side of the stream from my paddock, where there used to be a large group of Inkcaps many years ago (I used to regularly walk our dog Jess there as I knew the owner). No sign of the Inkcaps, so I took a mooch around a small area of woodland at the edge of the field - and quickly found a lovely moss covered log with these little orange sweeties on it.
At the other end of the same large log is also a cluster of these nice little 'shrooms too - it was hard to decide which to blip!

No time to research what either actually are - any help in ID-ing them appreciated ....

With head cleared and blip sorted I needed to get home to get on with things. Weather permitting I may well take another walk in the wood tomorrow to see what else I can find!

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