Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...Well, hello there!

Thanks for all the lovely comments, stars, and hearts on my fuzzy wasp yesterday. I have decided that the best way for me to photography scary insects like that is when they are a cold-induced torpor state! That is my new strategy...

This morning, I met went out on a 4-hour nature hike with the Audubon group, and WHAT FUN! A frosty morning, perfect for gloves and hats and fleeces and boots. Loads of birds, which made it even more fun. This is an immature white-crowned sparrow, a migrant. I'd not seen this species before, so it was a new lifer for me. We also saw greater yellow legs, American Pipits, Palm Warblers, juncos, red tailed hawks, a bald eagle, blue winged teal, song sparrows, black chinned blue warbler, redpoll warbler, tons of Canada geese, rusty blackbirds, ruby and golden crowned kinglets, blue birds, and a sapsucker. And I may have forgotten a few. Whew. Lots of new life birds for me today, which was fun.

Hubs did a 44 mile bike tour while I was out hiking. I am exhausted just thinking about it. He said everything hurts! I think it will be an early to bed night for both of us. And definitely a night for some wine - for medicinal purposes, of course...

I went out to work a bit in the garden when i got home, and was closely watched by several of the downy woodpeckers. I think they wanted to make sure I wasn't taking any seeds or suet! Tomorrow will be more work outside as I need to lift the dahlia tubors - the frost last night wilted all the tender flowers, so time for general clean up, too. I'll be adding to the compost bin in a big way tomorrow!

Hoping you are all having a great weekend, where ever in the world you are...

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