Whats in the Box?

I had real trouble waking up today when Mr W's squash alarm went off. I could quite easily have slept another couple of hours I think and I admit to scooting back down under the covers once he had gone and fell back to sleep for for about 20 minutes. The weather was grim outside while we were drinking tea but the sun was shining by the time I woke up again so I think I was subconsciously hibernating!!!

I managed to get all my outstanding reports finished - 4 days before I go back to work!!! Shame I wasn't able to finish them earlier as its only now - 5 days into my leave, that I can actually relax!!!

Once Mr W was home from his epic squash morning (but it was a Charity game so I don't mind!) we popped into town to finish off our Christmas shopping!!!! We purposely left his grandchildren's gifts until now, as we are not seeing them until Sunday and wanted to buy something Santa had forgotten to buy!

When we got home, Mr W opened his parcel sent to him from his work. It arrived yesterday but he got home too late from his other work to open it. I don't know that either of us have ever had such generous gifts from our Bosses!!! So thank you indeed to some very lovely people.

Then I spent the evening making a whale. As you do.


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