Celebrate Everything...

...is what it said on a sign outside a restaurant newly opened after the fire. It was a good mantra to contemplate. OilMan and I, of all people around here, are so very fortunate, and should be celebrating our good fortune, not feeling guilty about it. I have always believed that guilt is unhelpful. I would have used the sign as today's blip, but just as we came around the corner on River Road after seeing it, we spotted a hot air balloon rising gracefully above the trees. It was quite uplifting, so to speak, to see and seemed to underline what  the sign said. There is still much beauty to be found here, and more returning every day. 

I've used my last extra for a shot of the sign. I could probably do a whole book based on the signs that have appeared on fences and freeway overpasses, in windows and businesses all over town. I feel that this community has really come together over this disastrous year. Those who have been knocked down are picking themselves up with the help of those who survived doing everything they can to help them. It makes me feel very proud to call myself a Santa Rosan....

And how can I ever express my thanks to all the blippers who have sent such kind and thoughtful comments on the occasion of my 2000th blip. If my heart weren't already full enough, my blip buddies have come through, as always, with such uplifting and encouraging comments. It has been a difficult yea,r but how could I ever consider leaving the very people who have kept me going through the tough patches?
You may be far away, but you are all very close to my heart....

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