A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Beard thing, apparently

So tired I nearly forgot to blip....

Today was designed to be tidying and partying but turned into lunching and partying when our cancelled guests from last night recovered sufficiently to turn into postponed guests who suggested a pub lunch. Turns out the two menfolk had both spent the festive season perfecting their beard growth. Though as we later learned beard oil has not yet entered the basket for the Consumers Price Index (new items this year were gin and cycle helmets).

In case anyone has been doing better things for the last million years on the left we have Carlos and on the right MrB ( of www.blipfoto.com/SooB fame).

So that was lunch and then Jackson and I watched a particularly alarming Black Mirror (aren’t they all?!) and then headed out for our annual Adults vs Kids Quiz and curry night.

Excellent re-entry to the celebrating.

Lesley x

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