
By Nema

All Growed Ip...

Seems like yesterday you were this tiny screaming bundle who never slept and was never happy. Now you have blossomed into such a clever happy and content toddler... I can't believe how long it took me to love you. You brought so much light into the world and never stop making me smile. You love me, so pure and unconditional love. Constant kisses and cuddles. You make your big sister so happy, I love watching you two play together and laugh and when she annoys you you scream until she stops. Such a strong character for such a small person.

You had one of the roughest starts but it hasn't made you a bad person. It's made you who you are and already you make me so proud. I'm so proud to be both your and Islas mummy. I love you Lily, and il tell you and Isla that everyday. My wee brave star. Xxxx

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