
The production team at Ikea are really having a non-pc laugh with some of the names they choose. Förslag. For some cutlery. Scandinavians are sharp enough to know that this will cause a chuckle in those who look for inappropriate language as they browse the shop.

I have hired a van to complete a few chores impossible to do with no transport. Milton Keynes was today's destination for an Ikea run. Semi-foolish on New Year's Eve as it was rather rammed, and I was put off by the queue for the famed meatballs in the café.

I have over-socialised recently so I fancied a quiet night in. Plus the thought of drinking after yesterday's mother of all hangovers did not make me want to rush out to ignite fireworks. So I stayed in and arranged new Ikea purchases around the flat. It seemed like many people had opted to stay in this year. Unpacking Ikea items is the new going out.

My bathroom cabinet is looking very well organised as we transition into 2018. And over-full thanks to greedy buying at the Boots half price sale, as recently highlighted by the splendid bananablip.

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