A forerunner

A tropical storm is approaching New Zealand and will bring wild weather over much of the country. It had been forecast that Auckland would have heavy rain today. As this photo shows, the sun was shining over the central city while heavy dark clouds dominated the northwest; and a band of rain can be seen. Over the next short while, the rain clouds moved more to the south and perhaps even a little bit further west, and it is still to rain in the city. 

We had a lovely family dinner on the deck with the daughters and the Auckland mokopuna (grandchildren). I had on impulse (and before I knew that we would have six for dinner) bought a butterflied leg of lamb. It was slow cooked on the BBQ. Young L was keen to assist me, until I pointed out that all I would be doing is turning the meat every ten minutes or so. Abandoning his Grandpa as a hopeless cause, he offered his help to Granny, and together they created a great salad. Along with new potatoes and meat cooked almost to perfection, the meal was like a feast and as Mr H has a huge appetite at the moment (he is almost growing before our eyes), he was particularly happy.

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