Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Happy boy!

Another rubbish night and Neil and I are feeling ill again - I don't think this bug has fully gone, I've had it for almost a week and I'm well and truly sick of it! Henry was awake a lot too, for 2hrs in the middle of the night then every 2hrs from that. I think it's probably to do with him starting to stand on his own and walk holding our hands - as well as teething! I think he's got some new bottom ones on the way.

Today we got wrapped up and went for a walk to the garden centre. Henry loves being pushed along in a trolley, he gets very excited! I got excited about the Christmas stuff and bought an advent calendar. Neil rolled his eyes at me a lot.

Tonight when we were getting Henry ready for bed we were singing and dancing to "blame it on the boogie" and Henry started joining in with the dance! We were in hysterics, you should see him thrusting to it! Particularly as he was naked at the time. We tried videoing it but it wasn't as good as when he did it the first few times.

Today's blip is our happy boy in his ball pool. He's obsessed with balls and will spend ages pushing a ball backwards and forwards if someone else will play with him.

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