Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

What? I'm just reading a magazine...

Today's blip is Henry picking a magazine at mum and dads today. Apparently my dad was meant to be keeping an eye on him but was busy reading a magazine and this is how mum found Henry!

Neil and I are both feeling better and made the most of Henry being at mum and dads by going out for dinner. Shame I had to come home to work on a presentation for tomorrow! Work was very busy and stressful today, hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Henry has been his usual lovely self by the sounds of it. He's got lots of kisses for everyone at the moment. On Saturday night I was cuddling him in bed and said "I love you Henry", then he said "yeah" and gave me a big slobbery kiss on my forehead! I took that as "I love you too mum!"

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