Very Poorly Pussy

And I thought I was feeling bad!

I really struggled to get going today. The bad cold / mild flu continued through the night. My temp didnt go below 38.3 and I found myself Googling "what are the chances of getting Sepsis twice" at 1am before falling asleep again after guzzling soluble paracetamol and Broncho Stop. I seriously contemplated cancelling my work but I just can't do it, knowing how precious these visits are to some parents.

But once I got going and drank plenty of coffee, I started to feel a bit more human and tonight my temperature is back to normal - replaced by constant sneezing!!!

Daughter Number 1's pussy on the other hand is feeling far worse. He developed an infection on his paw and after a week of antibiotics and anti-inflammatories, he was operated on yesterday. The vet is trying hard to save his paw and might end up having it amputated. Poor little pussy. DN1 was able to work from home today and Leo needed plenty of TLC. DN1 even called on DN2 to come and help as he didnt let her leave his side!!!!

So day 5 of 2018 .... it can only get better!!! 

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