Layers (Day 973)

It was lovely to wake up in a warmer house this morning. It was much colder than it has been of late as I took the dogs for their morning wander up the hill, with the bitter north wind chewing at any exposed skin.
Back at home I waited for the arrival of  my  beautiful wife from her overnight shift, and a critique of my exploits in the cupboard yesterday.
After coffee we trundled across to Coldomo so I could have a look at a bathroom which needs to be re-fitted, and HV had a bit of hoss time. 
We returned home for a lunch, then a trip out to Aikerness for a walk on the beach. It was bitterly cold, but a good enough walk.
Later on, as I was dealing with some laundry, this patch of paint caught my eye. Our house is an on going project, and this is one of the many many bits we haven't got around to doing yet. It is another way of showing the history of the house and makes for quite a nice abstract.

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