Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

Droid Repairs

Moving on from protected Italianate architecture, the next logical picture is naturally a droid repair shop. What else? These days I frequently have cause to evaluate my sanity and this was yet another. Anyway I finally got a grip on meself, deciding that I was perfectly rational after all. Funny thing was that KT70 (that's my droid) had suddenly gone missing. He had been carrying all the shopping you see. Frankly I was a bit worried that he might have traded it all to some scruffy looking ewoks, loitering outside David Jones, menacing some passing porgs.

Ah huh. ...... That might SOUND crazy but you have to remember that he's been suffering from faulty ethics circuits of late ... and badly needs a repair.

Star Wars' gobbledygook 101: Ahem. Porgs and Ewoks are cute little creatures conceived by the creators of the Star Wars movie franchise. Droids (short for "androids" ) are mischievous servant robots depicted in various of the "Star Wars" movies. "Star Wars" is a legendary movie franchise that began in 1976  leading to the recently released "The Last Jedi". Movies are things that you see in darkened auditoria or on your television where pictures seem to move as in real life. :o))  

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