Tarawera Times

By Megl

Another tui!!!

I don't think "kiwi's" ever tire of taking photos of tuis, they really are our most loved bird. Spotted this tui flitting around the flowers on the cacti plants outside the Blue Baths when I collected Ian from his swim yesterday. It was not at all worried about everyone around and I was able to get quite close as I only had my wee Sony handbag camera with me.

And yes, we finally got our power back on at 1pm yesterday, many thanks to all your comments about our problems. It was certainly an interesting 36 hours, I have never been so grateful to be able to flush my loo and turn on the lights. Now it is clean up time with lots of debris from trees everywhere. We also had 230mls of rain, in 48 hours so everything is really wet.

Heatherbelle and Susan along with grandson Cody arrived yesterday so busy house again, and blipping is taking a back seat!!!

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