Doing My Bit

Went for a walk along the beach this afternoon and noticed an old Irn Bru can washing up on the sand. My first thought was a photo for a blip - a comment on the new recipe that has been in the news lately (They are reducing the sugar content below the new sugary-drinks tax threshold.) Anyway, having taken the picture I then thought, it's a New Year and maybe I should start as I mean to go on. I looked for, and found, a carrier bag in my rucksack and decided I'd pick up a few bits of litter as I walked along. What is it they say - every time you go to the beach, try and pick up three bits of plastic rubbish. If everyone that visited a beach did that then maybe we could turn the tide of waste in our oceans. I ended up with rather more than three bits this time and I will try and remember to make sure I have a plastic bag in my pocket next time I am walking along the sand.

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