Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Now you see it?

Walkies, and a truly great day to do it in. The walking B team has not been out for 2 weeks due to the weather. They could not decide whether they would go out while it was pouring with rain.
Ok back to the story. There is a walking track that runs all the way from Albertown to Hawea but we decided to just do the last bit which takes you along the side of the Hawea River to the Lake and lunch (theirs not mine). It was really interesting as a kayak course is being built on this section of water and there were some larger diggers working there to build it and had made a diversion system to allow this to be done. Some really big rocks were being nudged about and given the odd headache and we all stopped and watch this on the way back. I think all of Wanaka will turn out for the opening as it is a competition standard course and will be popular I bet.

Upstream from the work the river was really low and the flow is controlled by a power company which has dams and power houses way down stream at Lake Dunstan. These folk are also supporting the Kayak area so the flow was minimum while the work was carried out.

The mountain is Mt Maud which featured in yesterdays Blip. So regarding the snow.....Now you see it ...Now you don't.
Oh and for a rare rear view of me and The Boss pop over to acyclinggranny who was of course out on the walk too.

The L key makes it larger

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