A Visit to the Surgery

My father's dog used to recognise the street where the vets' surgery was situated. Any time we went along that street, which was not very often, she would be a bit tense until we had passed the surgery without going in, at which point she would visibly relax and look a bit more cheerful.

My doctor's surgery is in a cul de sac, so if I find myself going along that road I know I must be heading to the surgery, and there is no escape. This morning was such an occasion as I was having a blood test. At first the nurse could not find any blood, but I assured her there had to be some there somewhere. I had walked to the surgery, it was very cold, so I thought all the veins might have retreated in an attempt to keep warm. However blood was eventually extracted, and I was free to resume my life.

I was going to post a picture of the cul de sac leading up to the hall of doom. However on my way back from the surgery I diverted for a restorative coffee, and near the cafe I noticed this garden. It really stands out as there are few gardens around now with this much colour. Most have some grass and a collection of fallen leaves. Maybe the garden is planted with artificial flowers.

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