A time for everything

By turnx3


Sunday: Christmas Eve
A busy day, with church as usual in the morning, and then again in the evening. Laura sang with us in the choir at both services - interesting for her since our choir director is one of her band directors from school days! Upon returning from church I fixed us a roast beef dinner with trifle for dessert, which seemed to go down well! We managed to fit in a shortish walk at Sharon Woods before returning home, and Roger, Jen and Laura setting out the luminaries. Roger had prepared them ahead of time, by folding the tops of the bags and putting sand in them. So they just had to set them out and put the candles in. Unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooperate this year, as it started to snow as they were putting them out - a rather wet snow, which soon soaked the bags, and by the time we returned from Christmas Eve service at about 8.30 or so, most of the luminaries on the street had gone out. The wind had apparently picked up a bit and blown some bags into the flames and burned the bags, others had just gone out. Very disappointing, since usually the luminaries will burn for hours - I have sometimes looked out in the past in the early hours of the morning and they have still been burning. I have Laura to thank for this shot, which she took as soon as they had them lit. I was busy inside at the time, and thought I would get one later, but of course I never did! We had a late supper after service, and Jason made us some home-made alcoholic egg nog - very good! Laura retired to bed relatively early - the jet lag is hitting her hard!
One year ago: Almost there!

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