Pictorial blethers

By blethers

No sailing today ...

Toward Sailing Club at dusk on a January weekday that has never really become lighter than this wasn't exactly a promising subject for a blip. On the other hand, it was only going to grow darker, and the trees are always a pleasing shape, and then there was the glassy gleam of the sea in the bay on this calm, more or less windless day - so here you are.

Today threatened to become one of unmitigated torpor: we were late last night because of staying up late eating toast and marmalade after choir; the rigours of Monday's Pilates class caught up with me properly and everything seemed to hurt; the house was warm and bright and outside ...wasn't. But once I was out on the shore road the sound of the birds and the antics of the cormorants (or shags - can't really tell in the gloaming) on their individual rocks all combined to make the day more pleasing. 

And now, having been out, I'm hungry ...

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