Rodents rule

By squirk

Good morning

Ah, it was nice to see sunshine today.

I had an extremely weird dream just before waking. Myself and my work colleagues were asleep at our desks at night. For some reason I was holding a fawn, which escaped as I got up to make my manager a cup of tea. In the kitchen, I saw Juno and panicked because I couldn’t catch him and he and the fawn weren’t supposed to be in the same place. I woke up and Juno was snuggling into my neck.

I told my colleagues about the dream and discussed using the word “fawn” to signify needing a cup of tea in a crisis. In a separate meeting, my boss made me a cuppa!

Lots of hilarity in the office over cauliflower steak. Good grief.

I had a lovely lunchtime catch-up with a friend and found a place that does a baked potato with a macaroni cheese filling (carbs x 3). I managed not to fall asleep at my desk.

This evening, I managed to trip up the stairs while holding a piping-hot cup of tea and Fred’s laptop. Argh! The laptop’s fine (phew) and I’m wearing clingfilm on my right arm, which took the brunt of the hot stuff. I have a couple of blisters but 30 mins under cold water seems to have taken the heat out of it. I won’t try holding a laptop in one hand and a drink in the other from now on. One lesson learned.

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