
By smbsolis

Oh, The Views We Have...

Everyone makes New Years resolutions. Some we keep, some we just forget about. I told myself that I would take one picture a day, regardless if it was with my phone or my camera. So far, I’ve kept that promise and today when I decided to journal about my day, I realized that I didn’t take my daily picture. How am I going to get any better if I can’t remember to do one simple task? Then I remembered, I did take a picture. I took it this morning before going to work. I took a picture of Kylie’s nose while she was sleeping. Why did I think that would be cute? What kind of view is that? I mean, who wants to look at a dogs nose? I know they are cute and all but a nose is a nose so it goes... (can’t believe I am rhyming. Oh brother.)

The nose view got me to thinking.. I must have other pictures. Well, duh... I don’t delete the pictures off my phone all that often. I’m off track and need to get back on track... I grew up in Alameda, CA. I grew up with a beach practically in my backyard but I never went there, I always thought it was dirty. The water at the beach wasn’t and still isn’t the best. I would never think to put my feet in the water, let alone swim in the water... but the view, oh the view on a clear and sunny day... well, it’s something. The water just shines, the sun shines on all the tall buildings like stars in the sky. Better put, it’s a view that never gets old. Here’s looking at you, San Francisco.

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