
I didn't sleep well last night, I woke every hour - probably because I knew I had to get up early, and at 5.20am I decided to get up and get ready.  By the time I'd got dressed, let the dogs out and fed them and Sherbie, it was 6.45am when I actually left.  I had a great journey though and I was in Warrington by 11am.

I called at Rachel's office to pick up her house key and also Scarlett's car seat, and then I went to M & S at Gemini to have a look at their sale items and I'd also arranged to meet my friend Audrey there for lunch in the cafe.  I spent the rest of my Christmas vouchers and bought another pair of jeans, a smart pair of work trousers and a shirt, some underwear and a soft toy for Violet.  The reason for the toy is that when I give Scarlett her birthday presents, Violet has a little something too as she's not old enough to understand why she wouldn't be getting anything.

I had a nice catch up with Audrey, and then left her to go and pick Scarlett up from school and I took her to McDonalds for something to eat.  She's been really good and we've had a lovely afternoon together, and we got home she drew me a picture, while I was practising with the prime lens.

When Rachel, Scott and Violet got home, Violet seemed happy to see me and Rach said that she'd been saying Nanny all the way home in the car, and she kept coming to me for tickles and cuddles :-)

We've had an Indian takeaway tonight and now it's time for bed, I'm so tired after my early morning and long drive, so I'll say night, night and I'll see you tomorrow.

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