
What a glorious, sunny day after the last few grey ones!   I went for a walk with my camera along Hove seafront at lunch time, and there were so many people out doing the same thing - well, not necessarily with their cameras ;-)

After the rough sea last week, you can see the pebbles that have been deposited on the promenade which shows why you need to be careful of the waves!

After work, I went round to Chris' to have my hair cut and I also had it highlighted for the first time since chemo!  They advise that you don't colour your hair for a while after it starts to grow back, but it's now been two years and it's a good length so it was time, and it feels great!

It was nice to see Chris and Tony and have a tour round their house as they've just extended into the roof space - it was originally a small two bedroomed bungalow, but it's now a spacious 3 bedroomed house with two bathrooms.  It's amazing what can be done with a loft!  I also got the latest Gogglebox gossip as filming starts again next month.

I stopped off at Elif's on the way home with some flowers and a card for her birthday and also to give her the keys to the shop back, as they got back from Egypt late last night.  I can't believe how big her bump has got just in the last week, she's only got 9 weeks to go now which is very exciting!

Anyway, it's late and I need to go a wrap a certain little lady's birthday presents  and pack, as I have an early start tomorrow morning to drive up North.  I'm meeting my friend Audrey for lunch and then picking Scarlett up from school.  Her birthday is actually on the 17th but her birthday party is this weekend.  We've bought her a camera as she's always enjoyed taking photos with mine, so I thought it was time she had her own.  It's a waterproof one which will be good for when they go on holiday as she can take it in the pool, and it also does videos.

For those of you who knew ASG, Steve Hughes asked me to pass on the details of Paul's funeral.  It's on Thursday 18th January at 1pm at St Elvan's Church in Aberdare,  no flowers but if anyone wants to make a donation, they're to Wales Air Ambulance.

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