
By TBay

The baby and the beer.

Obviously this is a very politically incorrect photograph, but I should point out that it is Daddy’s beer!! Harry though it was all very funny!

The Mr Tbays went to the local for a pint after a hard day’s work only to find the most annoying person god put on this earth was also in the pub! After ten minutes or so they both decided that they would de camp to Tbay towers for their next beer which they did. In the meantime Mrs Tbay Jnr and the little ones arrived for a chat and Little Miss had some supper. A lovely unplanned evening with the family. Much singing of wind the bobbin up and other favourites! All good fun.

Farming - Two on compost hauling and Mr Tbay Jnr working for Haylage again.

I managed to start the rose pruning. I know it’s a bit early but I am hoping it may slow down the growth this year. I am also hoping that the frosts we have been having will do the garden good too. Goodness it was frosty this morning. Lovely but chilly if you were outside. See extras.

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