Reading Material

Dear Diary,

I did not venture out in the torrential rains yesterday.  We must have lost at least 6-7 inches of snow cover!  It is 32F this morning and still raining.  The cold temperatures are on the way so we will see what all of this turns into.

It was a perfect day to stay inside and read.  I am nearly done with my latest historical fiction, The Last Bookaneer by Matthew Pearl.  A fun novel revolving around 19th century author Robert Lewis Stephenson and Samoa!  His book, Treasure Island, was a favorite of mine as a child.

A friend gave me a fascinating book, Walden Warming, about the effects of climate change on Thoreau's Walden Pond.  He kept such careful and extensive records of plants and animals at the pond that climate scientists can use his notebooks to see  how our warming planet has effected things at the pond.

My annual Face Book year book arrived the other day, extra, and it was great fun to page through my year.  I make a lot of the meme's I put on Face Book and of course there are lots of pictures from the garden and of my little friends.  I see it as an augment to this journal.  I think a hundred years from now, if all of this survives, my descendants will certainly know who I was and what I felt but for me, I just enjoy looking back and experiencing everything again...a kind of instant replay of my life!

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