Breaking Up

Dear Diary,

The thaw is well and truly here.  It is already nearly 40F this morning.  Yesterday's rain and fog helped immensely.  I was able to break up the ice on the ramp into the barn where I park the car.  There is nothing like the sound of ice cracking and releasing it's grip.  I guess you have to live in Maine to fully appreciate that.

We may descend back into the 20's for a short time next week but then it will be mild again.  It looks like it may be in the 50's for the Women's March in Boston on the 21st!  I'm thrilled.  It is like Nature is blessing our efforts to make our voices heard.  They are already predicting 25,000+ on the Boston Common.  It will be a wonderful event.  Senator Elizabeth Warren will be the keynote speaker and I can't wait!

This image also reminds me that meaningful images are all around us every day, even in the most mundane and commonplace things.  As a contemplative photographer I know that wisdom most often does come in the ordinary occurrences of life.  That's why I don't think I would ever be at a loss for something to photograph.  When my friends marvel at my ability to photograph something new every day I just tell them to look around themselves.  I just added these words to my Commonplace Book, I opened two gifts this eyes!

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