Last one standing

Today I made the hard decision to sell my last loom.  At the height of my obsession interest I had 4 of them, and they were all in use with various projects.

Now, it's just too hard to pick up the threads and warp it up, especially as I prefer fine work.  Also weaving is, by its nature, a solitary pastime, and I don't care to sit on my own for long periods any more.  I'm a bit sad, but equally happy to be rid of more clutter.  Except that, knowing me, I'll use the funds to buy more clutter, so I'll be back where I started.  Except that, Lego isn't clutter is it??  And talking of Lego, our latest build has just been blipped by the Rower.  We really enjoyed the build, and were very pleased with the result.  These modern Lego kits are very sophisticated.

So, it's been listed on eBay, and we'll see what happens.

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