
The day began with no rain, no running but another ‘breakfast meeting’ with Mike. I needed to pick his brains about the friend I mentioned yesterday so once again MrRoly embraced feminist role reversal and donned his pinny for a second day to provide bacon butties!

After dinner I decided it was too nice to lose another day to accounting so dragged MrRoly, Princess and Smallest to Trebah. Eldest still festering in her pit with disease and The Boy getting his own fresh air out on Dartmoor!

It was lovely and despite their whining, everyone enjoyed getting out and away from screens. We called in to see Elaine on our way home - the first time the kids have been to their new home and I’m blipping now while our roast dinner finishes cooking. I’m even steaming a sponge pudding in a fit of domesticity.

The Boy wishes to let his Grandma know that he was lovely and toasty and warm last night in his new sleeping bag despite the temperature dropping to very cold!

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