Fabulous friends

I catch up with blip in a morning and this morning was interested to read about chrisf's new tv and being able to listen to music on it. My best Christmas present was an Alexa from Matt and Jade. I've got used to asking for the question of the day and I'm enjoying that. This morning I asked Alexa to play rubber soul by the Beatles and she did. What joy ! I can ask for old music!!!! I subscribe to Amazon prime so get that music on my speaker. I then went on the website and made my own playlist with all my old favourites. How I love this new technology!
I met my friends at Barton Grange and we had a wander, a lovely lunch, another wander round then back for tea and cake. The usual uplifting laughs and chatter for us all. Amazing what you learn about friends.
When I got home Alexa played my new playlist, I did enjoy it. I need to rack my brains for more music to ask for, I've forgotten what LP's I used to have. All suggestions gratefully received!!!
Many thanks for all the comments, stars and hearts on my Hellibore yesterday.

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