Memories of Hurricane Yuppie

I picked up some work this morning, to write about 1987 of all years. I remember it well. It was the year those hurricane winds tore across the south east (25th anniversary tomorrow). In the north, where I lived at the time, we called it Hurricane Yuppie. I left to come south the following month and might have flown down had it not been for the eccentricities of Yorkshire Airlines.

It was the year we were being urged to become shareholders of privatised companies, when house prices went through the roof in London and the south east, and when Harry Enfield created a character he called Loadsamoney. Women were power dressing in big-shouldered outfits and everyone was running about the City doing deals until the bottom fell out of the stock market on Black Monday and a little sobriety was restored. Still, the south was the place to be. It was a hard life in Yorkshire.

No sign of a hurricane today, thankfully, when at lunchtime I popped out of the front door and pointed the camera in the general direction of one of our Acers. That was my banker and tonight I needed it. Have a good week one and all.

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