Tomatoes from Paradise

On 30 October I blipped a large empty greenhouse in Härnösand where they were planning to combine growing fish and tomatoes in a closed cycle ecological system - Europe's largest so far.
In early November Pekka's, the local company, planted tomato plants, added the fish to the water tanks and set the system going. 
A week ago the local newspaper announced that their first fruit was ready for harvesting and a couple of days later I was in town and saw a large sign in one of the stores; "Pekka's tomatoes". There they were - cherry tomatoes, at least 50% more expensive than any other tomato in the shop but they were offering us the chance to taste them first.  I popped one in my mouth...
Absolutely delicious! Juicy, wonderful texture, and a really strong flavour. 
When we visited in October they had explained that by only selling locally they could use a tomato bred for taste, rather than other traits usually needed for commercial markets, and they had fulfilled their promise 100%!
I happily paid the price for about 17 of these small red taste-bombs and we have eaten them like sweets, one or two at a time over the last few days.
They sold out in hours but when the next batch is harvested I'll be buying more.
I do hope this project is successful and the start of new trends for local production, aiming for taste and quality.

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