Soda bread

Another of those days - there seem to be lots of post-New Year gatherings - where we run from one meeting to the next. There are so many of them, each important in their own right, and each requiring decisions if we are to move agendas forward.

A key one today was the senior management team meeting where we reviewed activity over the Festive period but concentrated on planning activity over the next 6 months or so. Some good discussions and decisions which will come to fruition in the next month or so.

then off to my aunt’s home to pick up a few things before heading in to visit her in hospital. And to bell the cat which had lost its collar.

Home after 8 for a “dinner left in the oven” and the realisation that again there was a blip deficit. So a quick shot of my home made soda bread came to the rescue.!

Then another evening of papers ahead of tomorrow’s Secure Care Strategic Board meeting in Clarkston. Weather permitting!!

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