Hi there everyone. I hope you have all had a good day.
Mine has been very busy again! Barry's back is playing up BIG time! he has had to get Oramorph from the doctor. Poor man is struggling to do anything at the moment. Bless him. I therefore, am keeping a keen eye on him, as he has COPD also. Hopefully it will soon clear up though.
To crown it all though. He asked me if I could renew his license on line, as he is not so good on the computer. I remember getting him a government gateway ID before, and writing it in his book, but could we find it...No! And so I had to re register again for him, and I must have spent an hour doing the form on line! When he went to find his driving license, we couldn't find that either! I had to state on the form that it was lost.  Anyway, I have completed it all eventually, but I was nearly tearing my hair out! I really must get Barry more organised with his paperwork! I am now keeping the details in a folder for him. At least I know where it is.
This is all at 11 oclock this evening! I think I deserve my glass of wine now! Usually I am minding the grandchildren today and tomorrow, but Dominic has 2 days holiday. Which is just as well with barry's back being like it is.
Anyway, thank you all for following me. Take care.
Love Theresa x
PS; This photo is of my Christmas Cactus which is blooming again
PPS: I really must apologise for not commenting on your fabulous entries today, but I have given you all stars. xx

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