A Grey Day

We are still feeling the after effects of Tropical Cyclone Joyce and it was grey cloud all day and so sticky and humid that everyone was covered in a sheen of sweat whew!! When we set out on the walk this morning it was misty drizzle, I didn't think we were getting wet but we got soaked!! I've put a grey shot taken near the flooded lake in extra's ;o)

I decided I needed a bit of colour tonight and played around with my cheap little fibre optic flower lights with some Intentional Camera Movement. Great fun and addictive, I ended up with so many shots that I liked it was hard to choose! A quick way to brighten up a grey day lol :o)

Day 3 being back at work was excruciatingly busy and we are almost full to the ceilings with work aarghh, slow and steady would be good instead of all at once!!

I'm sure things should settle down by the end of the week and I'll be back to my normal routine, but for now I'm off to bed to get ready to do it all again tomorrow!! ;o)xx

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