Penn State Snow Scene

Snow was expected on Tuesday, and I had already decided to ride the bus to and from work that day. Secretly, I suspected I might end up riding the bus Tuesday AND Wednesday, and I was already trying to decide which morning to have a lovely breakfast at the Corner Room.

When I got up Tuesday morning, one of the first things I saw in my Facebook newsfeed was a story about Emma, the white-haired little old lady who is a hostess/greeter at the Corner Room. I have seen Emma frequently in my visits to the Corner Room over these past many years.

The story said that Emma had worked there for six decades, never missing a day of work, and that Tuesday would be her last day there. That sealed the deal for me: I decided to stop by the Corner Room and offer her my best wishes (and enjoy a hot breakfast along the way). So that is exactly what I did. You may see a photo of sweet Emma's smiling face in the extras. :-)

I sat and watched the snow (which was doing very little at that point in the morning) and enjoyed my hot breakfast. When I finished, I paid my tab and went by Emma's table and offered her my best wishes. I told her that I had heard she was famous for her hugs, but that I'd never had one; maybe I could have one now?

And Emma pushed her chair back and got ready to hug me, and she said, "Any time. I might have to give you A FEW." And let me tell you this, folks: this lady is a WORLD CHAMPION HUGGER! She gave me one of the best hugs I ever had in my life, all warm and soft and wonderful. And she whispered, "I love you," and I whispered back, "Love you too." It was awesome.

Then we parted, and I walked around a bit on campus and took pictures, and went to work and did my thing, and came back to campus at the end of day to catch my bus home. It was late in the afternoon, and the snow was picking up its pace.

The roads were HORRIBLE; I did not know it yet, but my bus would go slip-slidey all over the roads all the way home, like a big metal tube on a toboggan. But I digress. (Also, now I know where the emergency exits are on the bus: I know because I looked, just in case.)

I took the photo above while standing below Pattee Library, looking down the mall toward town. (The Corner Room, where I breakfasted and got supremely hugged, is a bit further down and off to the right, outside of frame.)

It was snowing heavily at the time, but people were out, bustling around, going to class, doing their thing. There were even people riding their bicycles in the snow. Snow does not stop bicycles in this town.

It felt to me like this picture could have been taken today, or 50 years ago. Perhaps many things have changed, but so many things remain the same, and are EXACTLY as you remember them: like a good, old-fashioned snowstorm!

The song: Bon Jovi, The More Things Change (the More They Stay the Same).

P.S. I've tried linking to Emma's story several times but the link keeps breaking. If you want to read more about her, please google: "After 6 Decades, Emma Gunsallus Says Goodbye to the Corner Room."

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