The spirit of sport

We had both girls from 7.00 this morning! Breakfast and then some play in the house. We went to Figets, a soft play area where we could relax while they played.

Then it was time for “sing and sign” for Grandbaby and myself. We both enjoyed it and I was able to brush up my signing! We had lunch there and then home! At this point all four of us slept ! Not even sure for how long!

Then there was just time for a snack and it was off again to a sports place near the Macron Stadium and that’s where this monument to the sports men and women of Bolton. You can just see one per panel!

45 minutes of gymnastics for Little Missy! She had a very good time and was awarded her second pre school certificate!

Home and a quick dinner and Dad arrived to collect them! A very good day! Grandbaby was so funny smiling at a bigger boy and repeating “hiya!’ Till he came over and played with her!

A big thank you to Steven for hosting wide angle Wednesday - travel. We were traveling across Bolton. This monument is in the middle of a roundabout!

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