
By Bom

All that jazz

Tonight I went to see Ronnie Scott’s All Stars (their house band) at the Auden Theatre and very good they were too! It’s one of the Auden’s subscription concerts featuring lots of different styles of music, with a discount for booking all. So this year I’m attending concerts featuring classical piano, jazz, a chamber orchestra, classical guitar and a vocal ensemble. So nice to have this only a 3 min drive away!

(Today’s tip is a corker!!!)

Be a pretty housewife (1957)

Tip No.5  Being a housewife you’re lucky enough not to have to sit under a quick-baking dryer for your hair-do.  You can shampoo and set it at home, clean the kitchen, garden, give the baby his feed whilst your pin-curls dry under a pretty turban.  But let it be pretty, please.....and if you make your face up nicely, you won’t have that skinned-rabbit look and can face any callers.

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