
By Mindseye

Baked and Blipped

Slept ok but was awake a while in the night with ear ache.....yesterday evening my voice got very croaky and today I sound like Eartha Kitt :-0

Still feel ok in myself, so we walked into town. The forecast for today was originally bright and dry but was revised to yes you've guessed it, grey wet and cold, again, but at least it wasn't windy!

We had coffee and lunch out yet again, ( I think its becoming a habit!) but I did cook this evening, honestly.....just check out my blip ;-)
Chicken, bacon and cherry tomato pasta bake.
.....and no its not burnt, hub likes it crispy on top :-D

We sat and watched the latest King Kong movie this afternoon, with Tom Hiddleston ;-) I quite enjoyed it, hub wasnt particularly enthused.

Youngest is recovering slowly but surely, daughter and middle son both ok. Hubs toothy gap seems on the mend, so that just leaves me.......Beechams capsules, covonia and olbas oil at the ready ;-)

Just settling down to watch The Voice......might need a hot toddy later ;-)

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