Tate Britain Spiral

I'm still playing catch up after my trip to London - this is yesterday's blip!

I didn't have too much planned, as I'd had such a full and exhausting day the previous day. No one had to rush off out to work so I got up at a leisurely pace and then said my goodbyes to my son and his young lady before heading off to the Tate Modern. The weather was dull and drizzly - I am so grateful to have had such good weather for my whole day out and about! 

My destination for the morning was Tate Britain to see an exhibition: Impressionists in London, French Artists in Exile (1870-1904). I need to make the most of my membership and I always enjoy the Impressionists! I also always enjoy this spiral staircase...... :))

After the exhibition, it was back to Waterloo for me and a train that would get me home before dark and in time to go out to the supermarket to buy provisions for a Sunday roast as my other two sons and their families were coming round. What a great few days this is all turning out to be!

Many thanks for all the great comments, stars and hearts for my two Lumière London blips! Hope you've had a great weekend!

Ann :))

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